Custom packaging Bristol By Wyatt & Ackerman
Trying to make yourself or your company standout in a competitive market is incredibly difficult where every market is saturated. It’s incredibly difficult to make something truly new that’s going to appeal to a larger audience you want to market to. Bespoke packaging can be a step in the right direction to a brand identity, which is one of the most important business steps you can move forward with and really start making progress with. In this post we are going to talk about the four benefits bespoke packaging can bring to your business.
Wyatt & Ackerman supply custom packaging to businesses across the UK from our head office in Bristol. 0117 966 1675
If your business has a facet of e-commerce then having custom packaging is a great addition to your resources. With delivering commerce, you’re going to have to use packaging anyway, so why not have printed packaging to increase brand awareness and further spread the name. You could also have custom sizes created to suit your product, which could save on shipping costs as you have bespoke packaging for your product. Small savings like this won’t really be felt on a small scale, but year-by-year you’ll be glad of those small trimmings that definitely add up.
A main advantage to bespoke packaging would be increasing your brand visibility to the consumer. Custom packaging regardless of what it is will always increase brand visibility as people are going to be attracted to nice visual stimulus. Look at the success of brands like Apple and Samsung. All have ventured into different avenues of packaging, as Apple has its contemporary style using packaging within packaging, which has been a huge success for Apple, whilst Samsung went through a phase of having 100% biodegradable materials to appeal to the more environment conscious smart device user. With your packaging you should find the design aspect first, as having good brand awareness is how all-successful brands have established themselves.
Another benefit is that it’s just a nice touch for the general customer experience. Rather than handing them a cheap plastic bag, giving them a branded paper gift bag just provokes a much better experience with that shop. It conveys a sense of pride within the company, as well as professionalism, which connotes brand awareness again. By using custom packaging, you are incorporating all of these things just with the simple addition of printed bags or boxes. It’s funny how such a small aspect can affect such big things since you wouldn’t think having your logo printed on your paper bags would be so effective with customer adhesion, but it has been a tried and trued method over the years and really since the domestication of modern retail and commerce.
An aspect you might want to consider is one that Samsung has taken before. As said before, they’ve incorporated environmentally friendly packaging, using soy ink to print onto their packaging and using recycled materials to create their packaging. This could be an aspect that you could take as Wyatt and Ackerman strives to use the best eco-friendly materials for their packaging. Choosing green materials is always a considerate approach and it also bodes well for the consumer opinion. Using environmentally friendly materials bodes well with your customers as most do pursue a less wasteful and more eco-friendly lifestyle, and having packaging that complies with those needs connotes a good connection with your customers.
If you are in need of bespoke packaging for your company, why not contact Wyatt and Ackerman, with over 40 years experience with creating custom packaging for hundreds of companies, We understand your needs and facilitate them the best we can.
Cоntасt аnd ѕеаrсh fоr a rеlіаblе custom lаbеl рrіntіng соmраnу or a custom packaging рrоvіdеr іn your local аrеа tоdау. Alternatively, contact Wyatt & Ackerman – we are a UK supplier of custom packaging with the personal service you would expect from a local packaging supplier. 0117 966 1675